Anal Sex How to Have

Anal Sex How to Have

Anal Sex How to Have What is Anal Sex? Behind-the-scenes is one of the most discussed, often misunderstood, and often taboo aspects of sex. However, you can try to give anal sex a chance to revive your sex life or just to open the doors of a new adventure.

What is Anal Sex?

The realization of sexual intercourse by anal means, not by vaginal means, is called anal sex or inverse intercourse. When it comes to sexuality, anal sex is one of the points where people disagree the most. The most important criterion of anal sex, which is a matter of curiosity for some, a routine of their sex life for some, and a scary thought for others, is whether you really want it or not.

Tips for Anal Sex

If you decide to have this experience, you can enjoy anal intercourse by taking the right steps.

Tips for Anal Sex

Contrary to popular belief, the anus area is a very erogenous zone. The annular muscles in its structure are equipped with numerous nerve endings. Therefore, it is quite suitable for maximum enjoyment. However, unlike the vagina, this area cannot produce its own wetness. For this reason, you may need to get help from water-based lubricants during anal intercourse.

Durex Extreme can help you in this regard, thanks to the longer lubricity of gel compared to water-based lubricants.

Having sex from behind can create a kind of uneasiness, just like the first sexual experience, as many couples lag far behind in their sexual life choices. But in any case, the key to an enjoyable sexual experience is relaxation.

If you have decided to try anal sex, the first thing you should do is to get rid of your anxiety and relax yourself. Since the muscles surrounding the anal canal are hard and tight, when you contract your body, you also tighten your muscles in the anal area. This can cause pain during intercourse. In short, don't strain yourself, relax your whole body and proceed slowly.

If you find it difficult to relax, you can try taking a hot shower to unwind. Then, you can relax both your body and mind with a massage that your partner will give you.

Is Anal Sex Harmful?

Being patient is the most important. You need to feel comfortable and not rush, move forward in harmony with your partner. Otherwise, you may be harmed both physically and psychologically, which means that you will have to take anal sex out of your life forever before you even experience it. So be slow from start to finish. Take your time and support each other with beautiful and provocative words.

Is Anal Sex Enjoyable?

The anus region is a region rich in sensory nerves. These muscles, which are normally tight, can expand up to 6-7 cm when necessary. A physical pressure on the anus muscles causes these muscles to open and at the same time creates different and rich emotions that you have not experienced before. During anal sex, the pressure exerted by the penis on the ring-shaped muscles in the anus will also make you feel sexual pleasure.

Is Anal Sex Harmful?

Although there is an opinion that anal sex is harmful, it is not correct to say that this perception is completely correct. There are a few things to consider at this point. First of all, during anal intercourse, if you have not had enough relaxed intercourse and you have put yourself in, tiny cracks may occur in the anus. These cracks can also cause different infections.

Moreover, although anal sex protects you against unwanted pregnancies, this does not apply to sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, this risk applies to any sexual intercourse you have had. Therefore, you should never risk your job, and you should definitely use one of the Durex condom types during anal intercourse, as in all other sexual relations.

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Hygiene is another important aspect that you should pay attention to while having anal intercourse. Having vaginal intercourse immediately after anal intercourse may cause some bacteria to be carried. For this reason, even if you have used a condom, it is recommended not to have vaginal sex immediately after anal sex or to change a condom.

In addition, cleaning before and after intercourse is an important issue that should not be neglected in terms of both hygiene and health.

Anal Sex How to Have

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ბათუმი შავი ესკორტი მარია

ბათუმი შავი ესკორტი მარია გამარჯობა ბატონებო, მე ვარ მარია, მისივე სიტყვებით შავი ესკორტი. ბათუმის შავი ესკორტის პროფილით ადაპტირდი თქვენთვის სასურველ სტილში. თუ თქვენ ეძებთ მოსიყვარულე და მონატრებულ სექს პარტნიორს, შეგიძლიათ შემხვდეთ. 21 წლის ასაკში შავკანიანთა მოყვარულებთან ერთად ვატარებ დროს. კლდევით ფიზიკა მაქვს და ყველაფერს, რაც ჩვენს შორის ხდება, საიდუმლოდ დავტოვებ....

ანალური ესკორტი მონიკა

ანალური ესკორტი მონიკა გამარჯობა ბატონებო, მე ვარ მონიკა, რომელიც გაბედულად ცდილობს ლამაზი მოგონებების შექმნას. მინდა დავამტკიცო, რომ უშიშარი სექს-პარტნიორი ვარ სტამბულის ანალური ესკორტის სიყვარულებში ჩაყვინთვის. 21 წლის ვარ, მაგრამ სექსი მაქვს მთელი თვის განმავლობაში, შაბათ-კვირის ჩათვლით. უნდა ითქვას, რომ მხოლოდ წელს მქონია სქესობრივი კავშირი. ჩემი მიზანი არ იყო ფულის შოვნა....