Best Positions For Anal Sex

Best Positions For Anal Sex

Here is the most classic anal sex position; doggy style. Although many think the opposite, anal sex in this position can be the most painful position because the woman cannot control it.

When having anal sex, keep in mind that you should not be as rough and careless as you are in normal sex. For safe anal sex, both parties should be more careful and prepared.

Before starting anal sex, it is extremely important to know how the anal areas of your body react to stimulation and for both parties to be comfortable.

Allow your anal area to relax by applying methods such as foreplay and massage. Start by relaxing your anal area with your fingers, then use anal sex toys to get used to the feeling of having something in your anus and never have anal sex without feeling completely ready, just because your partner wants it.

Finally, always keep anal lubricant nearby.

What is Anal Intercourse?

How is Anal Sex Performed? What are the Harms of Anal Intercourse?
Harms of Intercourse from Behind?
In this article, we will discuss all the stages of anal sex in detail.

Anal intercourse; intercourse performed by inserting the penis into the anus is called anal intercourse.

What is Anal Intercourse?
How is Anal Sex Performed?
The Harms of Intercourse from Behind.
Intercourse performed by inserting the penis into the anus is called anal intercourse.

According to the opinion of many sexology authorities today, anal intercourse between women and men is seen as a sexual variety only when performed within sexual stimulation, within intercourse positions, occasionally and with the consent of women. We share all the details about reverse intercourse, anal intercourse and anal sex..

Then we will share our articles on how to have healthy sex and the harms of sex.

A Woman's Hips Excite Men Too Much

In addition, in this intercourse, the fullness of the woman's hips stimulates the man's sexual area in a way that cannot be compared to any other position. For this reason, the man reaches orgasm faster in this position than in other positions.

You Need to Learn Anal Sex First!

In this sense, before learning anal sex methods, you should question whether your partner or spouse is ready for this, or the reasons why you prefer this, so that you can easily talk about intercourse from behind and resolve this situation without hurting your spouse.

Since intercourse from behind is secretly preferred by many, it is among the difficult topics to talk about, its pleasurable aspects, apart from its microbial results, are appealing and if the person prefers this, he/she should definitely talk to his/her partner.

Men Prefer It More Narrowly!

As a result, cracks may occur in sexual intercourse, there are many examples of this today, it is observed with numerical data that men who cannot satisfy their anal intercourse pleasure even prefer transvestites.

What is the Relation between Anal Sex and Cim Cif?

Also, if we open a parenthesis; One thing we can't make sense of is that men who prefer anal sex also prefer the cim cif position, or so it is thought because cim cif is generally not preferred in Turkey in terms of the hygiene of our women and it should never be done after anal, in this sense, if so, we should put it in the category of sexual deviation and perversion.

What Does Cim Cif Mean?

By the way, cim cif means ejaculating on the woman's face, it is when the man sits the woman on her knees and leaves his semen on her face.
This can happen in both ways.

This position is actually very well-known, but since it is stated as a spare part price on escort sites today, people are curious and ask, the word cim cif is in the sexology literature, also ejaculation on the face can happen to both women and men, it can be used in a broad sense.

Preparations Should Be Made for Intercourse from Behind

Intercourse from behind can sometimes cause pain, sometimes serious injuries and sometimes great pleasure, depending on the size of the man's penis and the width of the woman's anus. In this case, if the male organ is too large for the anus, you should definitely not strain and hurt your partner.

Male impulses can get out of control during intercourse and the partner's pain at that moment may seem insignificant, and as a result, it can cause serious damage to your partner both psychologically and physically. Restraining these impulses and finding appropriate methods should not be a problem for adult couples.

If you are ready, let's start!

Doggy style

Here is the most classic anal sex position; doggy style. Although many people think the opposite, anal sex in this position can be the most painful position because the woman cannot control it. However, when done correctly, it is the position that best allows you to orgasm. If you are going to do this position, you should make sure that you trust your partner.

Curled up angel

If you are going to have anal sex for the first time, the most suitable position for you is the spoon position.

Have your partner lie down behind you and bend your bodies towards each other. This position is also a good position because it is a position where the woman can relax. Moreover, your partner can also stimulate you from your breasts or other areas during anal sex.

Evening pleasure

While your boyfriend is lying down behind you, you should pretend to sit on his lap with your legs crossed over him at a 90-degree angle. Anal sex in this position will be comfortable just like the curled up angel position.

Magic mountain

Make a hill out of pillows and lie down halfway on it, turning your back to your partner. In this position, you leave complete control to your partner and can easily get support from the pillows.


If your boyfriend is not very comfortable on top, this position is perfect for him. Lie on your back on a table or high place and have your partner stand. Put your legs on his shoulders and have anal sex like this. The only problem with this position is that it is a difficult position to hold for a long time.


Lie down completely face down, your legs straight and your partner behind you. Have one leg over you and have anal sex in this position. In the side position, your partner can massage you from the side and reduce your tension.


Have your partner lie on their back and get on top of them. Your back is turned to your partner and your face is looking up. Since you are on top, you will have more control.

Reverse cowgirl

In one of the most popular positions in anal sex, reverse cowgirl, you get on top of your partner and sit upside down. In this position, both depth and control are completely in your hands.


There is no rule that anal sex must be done in bed! Feel free to try anal sex wherever you want, in the bathroom, living room. Even go one step further and take sex to the stairs!


In this position, your partner sits behind you while you lean over a table or a high point. The depth is at its maximum in this position.

Remember, anal sex will be beautiful when it is mutually desired. Don't let your partner force you to do something you don't want! Read the Anal Sex article.

Anal Sex Massage

How to Do Anal Cleaning

Experiences of Women Who Have Anal Sex

ცხელი თბილისის ესკორტი პენი

ცხელი თბილისის ესკორტი პენი ჩემი ფეტიში არის ყურება, როგორ ყიდულობს კაცს ჩემი სხეული, რომ ისიამოვნოს. ეს ძალიან მაღელვებს. გარანტიას გაძლევთ, რომ ჩვენს პაემანზე თავს ძალიან კომფორტულად იგრძნობთ. გამარჯობა ჩემო სიყვარულო, მე მქვია პენი! 21 წლის ვარ და იმედია ყველაფერი კარგად იქნება. ჩემი კანი რბილი და სურნელოვანია. ყველაფერი თქვენი სიამოვნებისთვის. ცხელი ცხელი თბილისის...

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თბილისის ესკორტი სედა

უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტი თბილისის ესკორტი სედა მოგესალმებით ბატონებო, მე ვარ სტუდენტის ესკორტი სედა. როგორც თბილისის უნივერსიტეტის ესკორტი, მოვდივარ სააგენტოში პირისპირ შეხვედრაზე. ვარ 20 წლის სექსუალური გოგონა. შემიძლია პირისპირ მივიდე მამაკაცებთან, რომლებიც ტელეფონს აიღებენ. შეგიძლია ამაღამ ჩემთან ერთად მოშორდე მარტო ძილს, რაზეც წუწუნებ. შეგიძლია ჩემს სახლში მოხვიდე და ისარგებლო ჩემი მხიარული დამოკიდებულებით....

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ბათუმი შავი ესკორტი მარია

ბათუმი შავი ესკორტი მარია გამარჯობა ბატონებო, მე ვარ მარია, მისივე სიტყვებით შავი ესკორტი. ბათუმის შავი ესკორტის პროფილით ადაპტირდი თქვენთვის სასურველ სტილში. თუ თქვენ ეძებთ მოსიყვარულე და მონატრებულ სექს პარტნიორს, შეგიძლიათ შემხვდეთ. 21 წლის ასაკში შავკანიანთა მოყვარულებთან ერთად ვატარებ დროს. კლდევით ფიზიკა მაქვს და ყველაფერს, რაც ჩვენს შორის ხდება, საიდუმლოდ დავტოვებ....

ანალური ესკორტი მონიკა

ანალური ესკორტი მონიკა გამარჯობა ბატონებო, მე ვარ მონიკა, რომელიც გაბედულად ცდილობს ლამაზი მოგონებების შექმნას. მინდა დავამტკიცო, რომ უშიშარი სექს-პარტნიორი ვარ სტამბულის ანალური ესკორტის სიყვარულებში ჩაყვინთვის. 21 წლის ვარ, მაგრამ სექსი მაქვს მთელი თვის განმავლობაში, შაბათ-კვირის ჩათვლით. უნდა ითქვას, რომ მხოლოდ წელს მქონია სქესობრივი კავშირი. ჩემი მიზანი არ იყო ფულის შოვნა....