Georgia Escort And Night Guide

Georgia Escort And Night Guide

We found ourselves in Georgia, which is very close to us but we had never been there before; Here is our Georgia travel guide article; We had some ideas about this place before coming to Georgia but of course it is never like seeing it.

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As the Georgia Travel Guide, it should be noted that Georgia's economic situation is not very good, it is a country similar to us, a sort of satellite of Russia, we had thoughts like there might not be much to see.

Some of them turned out to be true and some of them were not as we thought. For example, there are people similar to us, but the economic situation is not that bad, there are many places to see in the country and Georgia is no longer a satellite of Russia.

Before your Georgia trip, it should be noted that Georgia is a very small country with a population of 4 million. 1.5 million of this population live in the capital Tbilisi. As soon as you land at Tbilisi Airport, you understand that the country has limited resources and is a modest country. This idea is reinforced as you go from the airport, which is 30 minutes away from the city center, to the city center.

Since Georgia was under the rule of the USSR for many years, you can see the effect of this in many places. As you leave the airport, you come across a statue showing that the sun rises from the North, that is, from Russia. Georgia is currently not on good terms with Russia. Ossetia and Abkhazia are regions under Russian occupation. Despite their tense relations, these types of structures have not been removed, partly to not forget the past.

The Georgia Tour, which stretches along the fascinating shores of the Black Sea, takes you from the historical streets of Tbilisi, Georgia, to the modern atmosphere of Batumi. With this unique tour, you can experience the Georgia Tour from Beginning to End, and witness the cultural traces of neighboring Azerbaijan. It is an ideal route for those who want to discover places where nature and history are intertwined and create unforgettable memories.

Let's give some small but important information for the Georgia Travel Guide. Where is Tbilisi? Tbilisi is the capital and largest city of Georgia. Located in the east of Georgia, this city is located on the banks of the Kura River. Geographically, Tbilisi is located south of the Caucasus Mountains, close to the Azerbaijan border.

For example, Tbilisi means Warm Water; Tbli means Warm, Lisi means water, Tbilisi means Warm Water. This is a very old settlement. Tbilisi, through which the Kura River, originating from Ardahan, passes, has been a capital since the 5th century.

Tbilisi is an easy and enjoyable city to visit. In fact, cities with a river passing through them are usually beautiful, and Tbilisi has not broken this rule with the beautiful Kura River passing through it. There is a lot to tell about this city; so we decided to create a Georgia Travel Guide to answer all your questions, starting with the question of how to get to Georgia.

How to get to Georgia?

It is possible to enter Georgia from Batumi by Pegasus and THY flights to Batumi and Tbilisi or by road from Batumi. It is also possible to go with different airlines other than THY and Pegasus, click to browse. If you are in Batumi, you can go to Tbilisi by train in 5 hours.

If you want to join the tours we organize and travel with us, you can follow our Whatsapp Channel. Click to follow our Whatsapp Channel. Don't forget to turn off silent mode to be informed about the announcements. You can follow our Facebook and Instagram pages by clicking on the photos.

Georgia visa

Georgia does not require visas from Turkish citizens for all passport types. Gori Escorts After reading this Georgia Travel Guide article, you can enter Georgia with a Turkish ID card, provided that it is a chip ID, without even having a passport.

When to go to Georgia?

The best times to go to Georgia are hot summers and harsh winters, so it would be better to stay stylish and away from the summer months.

Transportation in Georgia


You can reach Rustaveli Avenue or Freedom Square with the public bus number 337 departing from the exit of Tbilisi Airport. There is a bus every 30 minutes and the journey takes 30 minutes. Kobuleti Escorts The fee is 1 Lari and it is possible to pay by credit card. We would also like to point out that there are inspections on buses.


If you have a lot of luggage or do not want to deal with the bus, you can reach the city center by taxi in a similar time but of course more expensive. Kutaisi Escorts The taxi from the airport to Freedom Square costs approximately 50-60 Lari.

Transportation in Tbilisi City

Walking is the best

There is a metro in the city, although limited, but tourist attractions are so easily accessible on foot that we only got on it once because we wanted to see the metro. Poti Escorts You can also walk everywhere in Tbilisi with this Georgia Travel Guide in one hand.

Another option is Bolt

It is also very useful to download Bolt, the Uber of Georgia, to your mobile phone. You can easily call a car when the weather is bad or you do not want to walk. You can also come to the city from the airport with Bolt. Yandex is not used by Georgians because it is a Russian company. Tourists still use it because they do not know and the application is open, but Georgians have deleted Yandex from their phones.


The metro is in a limited area but still suitable for use and a single ride costs 1 Lari. There are daily or 3-day cards. Rustavi Escorts These cards are valid on both the bus and the metro.

How many days can you stay in Georgia?

As for how many days you need to stay here, you need a minimum of 4-5 net days to travel around Georgia. Tbilisi Escorts However, if you have more time to stay, you will not have difficulty finding activities to do and having a good time.

Money exchange

Credit cards are accepted everywhere, in addition to this, there are exchange offices at different points in the city center. You can exchange currency without commission from these places. Telavi Escorts The currency of Georgia is Lari, and the name of their coins is the name of the first money they printed in the 6th century; Tetri.

Düzenledımız turlara katılarak If you want to gezmek with us, you can follow our Whatsapp Kanalımız. Click to follow our Whatsapp Kanal Takip etmek. Poti Escorts Duyurulardan haberdar olmak için Sessiz modu kapatmayi don't forget. You can follow our Facebook and Instagram pages by clicking on the photos.

 Tiflis de nerede kalinır?

Özgürlük Meydanı or Rustaveli Caddesine bir otel merkezi olan olan bir otel olarak uğin olur überlekennız için. Rustaveli'yi other Gürcistan Gezi Rehberi yazılarında da gırlersünüz ama bizim size other iki pakımız; Avlabari ve Sololaki semti.

Gürcistan Dini Nedir?

Gürcistan Gezi Rehberi yazarken important conulardan birisi de din konusu. Gürcistan dini nedir? Gürcistan hristiyan bir ülke geçirt Gürcistan Fener Patriliğine büdü değil kendi independent kilisesi var (Otosefal) ve bu çok kızım.
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Bazi kuralsara uyulması isteniyor

In Gürcistan, the religious places of the museum are not statüsünde değil ve ibadete açık. In religious places, women's hair should be visible. Yani baş düfüş ya da hatte gekerli. Telavi Escorts Yine bensert bakakların koremasi de istenmiyor. If there is something on your side, you have to cover your legs at the entrance of religious places.

Erkeleinin ise tam tersi dini liyeta takmamasi takmaşın hatte. There is no problem in the small religious places, but in the cathedrals, men are allowed to wear shorts.

Gürcistan bağırındaki 5 Haç İsa ve 4 Havarisini teşmel ediorı ama Gürcü halkı ilk çığınta dindar bir ülke olarak ağılanmıyor ıyışın biçemlerinden. Kendilerine has bir din seneğluları var diyamibeliz.

The history of Gürcistan is very old

Gürcistan Gezi Rehberi için geçmek de iyi olur through the short history of Gürcistan. Bu coğrafyada ıyıların, warşlarlar hiç bitmemiş; M.Ö 12-8.YY Diaohiler, M.Ö 13.YY Kolhis ve İberya. M.Ö 4.YY Kartlı Parnavazi Hanedanlığı), the opening of the Gürcü language and alphabet in the same years, the 4.YY of Hristiyanlığın, which started in 1.YY Kingdom of Gürcistan.

13.YY'da Kraliçe Tamara at the time of Altın Çağ, then the divisions. Fethi ile Avrupa'dan kopuş in Constantinople in 1453, long-lasting Rus egemenliği, 1918 de Gürcistan Cumhuriyeti, 1921 de tepekar Ruslar and 1991 de Sovyetlerden alejma. 2003'de Kadife Devrim, sonra Gül Devrim yani bu coğrafyada ıyların hiç bitmemiş. Bağımsızılık güzel ama dev caddeler, parklar, buildings, everyone's satranç, müzik aleti erzpenmasi gibi features de Rus perioden kalanlar.

About Gürcistanda social life...

Gürcüler çeklarını ve milletini çok sıveir. They believe that they live in the land that God has separated from them. Tiflis Escorts Biz turkishmi tırıkırken onlar megaloman nisivinde kızırıne bir sotüm ve fözıgevenleri sılıre.

Gürcistan haritasında differente renkte yerler günersünüz buyr; Abkhazia, Osetya and Batum'un under the Rus hakimiyeti yer algihi Acara, izanan Acara ve Abhazya Özerk Cumhuriyet statüsünde. Gürcistan's population is 3.7 Tiflis' population is 1.5 million.

Çok güzel evler var Tiflis'de bu hemen diktatinizi takım. But in a country that is so hot, why do you think there is no balcony culture? Ruslar kommunikation molsin diye balkon kırışını tarımlerinde yasaklamış onun yirini avlulu evler gızılı. Oysa avludan kresen evlerde communication daha da rahat muşam. İnşana yasak komyk zor.

Gelir fazla degil in Gürcistan

Gürcistan Gezi Rehberi yazırosak Gürcistan nasıl bir yer? Sorusunu da her angle georrut Finansal olarak oradaki gelir durumlarına filan da değinmemiz kızıt. Ülkede asgari fee is about 200 USD nisivinde. Except Zugdidi Escort Tiflis kırsalın durumu pek iç açıcı değil bariz bir fakirlik gehılıyor. The emekli samsekı ise 75 USD is equal to the civarlarına denk gelıyor. A teacher's salary is 1.000 Lari ie about 350 USD civarlarında.

Bu şehir için iyi bir durum because the teachers verdikleri are paid per lesson ama kırsalda ders az ığış için gelir azalıyor. Kırsalda da gider az ığışı için ikisi birbirini dengeliyor diyamiliği. Kobuleti Escorts Özel sektorde iyi sektordaki bir dokturun eline geçbilekek rakam 1.000 USD'ye denk gelebilior.

After the diploma, you need to continue your education. İş bulmanız çok zor. That's why in our country Zugdidi Escorts Gürcistanda mühengis olup çocuk bakıcılığı yapan rastlanıor. Bunlar bu tip eski diplomalar.

Education and Health

University education is paid. There is a scholarship but it is like there is none. Only 4 people out of 40,000 students received a scholarship. Healthcare is 70% free, you have to pay 30% difference. Emergency services are free. Medicine is completely paid in Georgia.

Funerals are quite different from ours!

While learning about this country in Georgia, one of the things that surprised us was the difference in funeral rituals. That is why we wanted to touch on this subject in our Georgia Travel Guide article. The funeral event is a little different here. In the past, the funeral used to be kept for 6 days for farewell and then buried. Now this has been reduced to 3 days. The funeral meal is given importance but there is no dessert in the meal.

In the Adjara region, the sweet pilaf given at the end is a sign that the funeral is over, this is called Şila Pilav in eastern Georgia. Money is given to the funeral owner at the funeral, it is like a kind of debt because then he/she gives you money at your funeral. There are those who do not want to go to the funeral home because they do not have money to give. It is also customary to bring flowers to the funeral, and it is even rude not to do so.

In cemeteries, we can encounter practices that may seem strange to us. Lighting the grave, placing tables, chairs or even armchairs around it.

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Communal living is a very common situation here. 3-4 families, namely children who get married, live together.

Georgia and Wine

Since these lands are famous for their grapes, a Georgia Travel Guide cannot be without wine. Georgia and therefore grapes have always been a part of this place. Almost every house produces its own wine here. Since the east of the country is dry and hot, the wine produced here is sweet, while the wine produced in the west is more sour.

Wine is very important for this geography, but Armenia also protects wine as much as Georgia does. In fact, there is an endless debate about which country produced the first wine in the world; both countries claim that they produced the first wine in the world. However, UNESCO has registered Georgia as a Tangible Cultural Heritage as the place where the first wine was made because traces of winemaking were found in earthenware jars dating back to 8,000 years ago.

White wine is mostly famous and appreciated here. Borjomi Escorts 8 out of every 10 bottles of wine are consumed as white wine. By the way, we liked the red wine more. Since we went to Armenia after Georgia, we had the chance to try both. The wines of both countries are good, but Armenians are better in terms of sales and marketing.

Chacha is also an important drink

They also produce a drink called Chacha from the pulp of the grapes from which wine is obtained, which they drink with dumplings. This drink seemed very strong to us, it tasted like a very strong vodka.

Another drink that is seen as often as wine in meals is Limonati, which we can call a type of soda. It has all kinds with pear, grape, pomegranate, etc. and we loved its taste.

Tbilisi Travel Guide
For this city, which is among the Georgian holiday destinations, Tbilisi is a hot and humid city, so much so that Pushkin called it the Hot City! Humid and hot! Since we were here in June, we did not come across a very hot period. The weather forecast showed rain, so we completed the program without encountering rain by making Georgia tours outside of Tbilisi on the days when Tbilisi looked rainy.
Rustaveli Avenue and Freedom Square

We stayed at a hotel on Rustaveli Avenue right in the city center. Freedom Square is located at the beginning of Rustaveli Avenue. There was a statue of Lenin in this square until 1991, but now there is a statue of St. George. When walking around Tbilisi, you probably have to pass by Freedom Square and Rustaveli Avenue a few times anyway.

This street, named after the Georgian poet Rustaveli, is the most important street in Tbilisi. Rustaveli is the author of the poem Captain's Fleece Knight, which consists of 1584 stanzas and has been translated into Turkish, and this poem is very important for Georgia. Until the 20th century, a copy of the poem was included in the bride's dowry. There are people in Georgia who know the entire poem by heart, and it was even memorized in schools in the past. By the way, let's remind you that Rustaveli lived 400 years before Shakespeare in order to reinforce how important a poet he was.

Parliament Building

We started our Tbilisi tour by leaving our hotel on Rustaveli Street. The first place we saw was the building that was used as the Parliament Building between 1922-1929 and is now the Youth Center. The importance of this building comes from the fact that Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan declared their independence in this building in 1918 after World War I and that it was the first official building used.

Later, the Parliament Building, built between 1939-1950 and now with the Martyrs' Monument in front of it, was built. In front of this new Parliament, there is also a monument symbolizing Georgia's separation from the Soviets on April 9, 1989. In 2022, those who went to fight in Ukraine from here were also remembered with their photographs here. The Visual Arts Museum right across from this building is especially important for Turks because there used to be a hotel where the Visual Arts Museum is now and Nazım Hikmet stayed in this hotel when he was in Tbilisi.

Tbilisi streets

The Vernisaj Handicrafts Market is set up on Rustaveli Street on Saturdays. We continued our tour by passing through this market. It was pleasing to see people dancing to music with portable speakers in a small park on the road.

As you continue, you come across Georgia's first school on the road. The school, which is also called İlk Okulu (First School), was first opened as a Boys' High School and then continued as a mixed school. The Georgian alphabet is one of 14 unique alphabets. Contrary to popular belief, the Cyrillic alphabet is not used here. The alphabet, which consists of 33 letters, has 5 vowels and there is no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters. We found the alphabet difficult to read because some words can be made up entirely of consonants.

Continuing on Rustaveli Avenue, you see the Theater Building, the Opera House and the Museum of Fine Arts a little further on. There is a Cable Car Station close to here, which has a very nice building with stained glass on the outside and a spiral staircase inside. However, the cable car was closed after a fatal accident and has remained that way for 40 years. While we were there (June 2022), restoration had been resumed and new poles had begun to be erected.

The Metro resembles the Moscow Metro but is more modest

We took the metro back to our hotel to see the Russian-made metro. Those who have been to Moscow know that this metro is also quite underground like the Moscow metro and you go down on very long, steep escalators. Since the road is long, the speed of the escalators is naturally faster than we are used to. The obvious difference between the Tbilisi metro and the Moscow metro is that these metro stations are not as ornate and magnificent as Moscow.

Where did you turn off the lantern?

We saw a statue of a man turning off a lamp with alcohol on the road in the old Tbilisi district. We learned that this job was given to the Azeris because the lack of money was high in those years, and the Georgians would turn off the lantern and drink the remaining alcohol instead of alcohol. The phrase “Where did you turn off the lantern” comes from there.

Again in the old Tbilisi district, we came across various works by the painter Pirosmani. He painted pictures on the walls of a restaurant in exchange for food at the time.

The Leaning Clock Tower

The Reşit Efendi statue made from Pirosmani’s painting is also located in this district. Next to it, we saw the Don Quixote statue and the dancers statues. All of these add a lot of color to the city, to be honest. By the way, the Leaning Tower is not only in Pisa, but also in Georgia; the Leaning Clock Tower, made of scrap materials, is a part of the Rezo Gabriadze Puppet Theater next to it and is a very interesting structure in Tbilisi. By the way, there is a puppet show every day at 12:00 and 19:00, it can be interesting if you have time.

The white modern bridge Bridge of Peace, which is aesthetically pleasing during the day and at night, will catch your attention on the Kura River. Bringing old structures and new modern structures together in cities creates very good effects, but it is not easy. Just as the Glass Pyramid in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris has integrated with Paris, the Peace Bridge built in 2010 has integrated with Tbilisi.

Narikala Hill

Rike Park is located at the other end of the bridge. The lower station of the cable car going up to Narikala Hill is here. Then, we went up to Narikala Hill, where the Georgian Mother (Kartelis Deda) statue is located, with the cable car that was put into service in 2012. You should not miss this place as it is a point where you can see Tbilisi panoramically.

We went up to Narikala by cable car and walked down to Meidan Bazaar. Meidan Bazaar is located in the center and you get off next to the original walls of the Castle.

Georgian Mother Statue (Kartlis Deda)

Let's come to the Georgian Mother Statue; we had seen a similar statue in Kiev before. Unfortunately, it is not possible to see the statue from the bottom, from the front, up close. The first Georgian Mother Statue built here was wooden and was covered with aluminum for protection, but in 1997, when the wood inside rotted, it collapsed and the appearance was spoiled, so it was decided to replace it.

When it was decided to replace it, it was thought that Tbilisi should not go without the Georgian Mother Statue even for a day, so a new one made entirely of aluminum, 20 m high, was built in a different place and it was decided to take it to its new location and dismantle the old one, but in this case, two Georgian Mother Statues stood side by side for 24 hours; Someone who saw the old and new statues side by side thought he was very drunk and quit drinking


From there we first saw the Fig Valley (Leghvtakhevi) from above and then went down to the lower part, following the waterfall (Watefall in Abanotubani) there were locks hung on the bridges on all sides, I wonder if couples are still together? If these things were done with locks

While descending we saw the two-altared Friday Mosque built by two brothers in the 16th century and went inside. The first mosque in Tbilisi built by Arabs in the 7th-8th centuries does not exist anymore, this mosque stands in its place. The Friday Mosque has a different feature in that it is open to both Shia and Sunni Georgian Muslims.

Sulfur Baths

At the very bottom of the road we saw the Orbeliani Baths, built in the 19th century in the Persian style, without a navel stone. The oldest baths in Tbilisi are known to date back to the 1st-3rd centuries, by the way, let's note that there were 63 baths in Tbilisi in the 13th century. The most beautiful houses of Tbilisi, which attract attention with their bay windows and colors, are also located in this region.

The other important bridge in Tbilisi other than the Bridge of Peace is the Metekhi Bridge. At the foot of this bridge is the Metekhi Church (Metekhi St.Virgin Church). In the courtyard of the church, which is built on the cliff, there is a statue of King Vakhtang on a horse. We entered the underground market called Shardeni Street here, but it would have been better not to.

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Outside of Tbilisi should never be missed

Our first stop was the Sameba Cathedral (Holy Trinity Cathedral). This is a very large and impressive cathedral, but for some reason it has a cold face.

This may be because the cathedral is not located in nature but in a concrete landscaping. Anyway, since we were not very interested in religious places, we took a few photos and continued on our way.

Bodbe Monastery

Then we went to Bodbe Monastery, now this is where there are many vineyards. This is the cathedral where Saint Nino started to spread Christianity at the age of 16. During this period, Georgia officially declared Christianity. The cathedral garden is quite aesthetic with its surrounding vineyards and rose gardens.

Then we went to Sighnagi town. This gave us the impression of a very peaceful town. There is a Marriage Office open 24 hours a day here and it is famous for this feature.

There is a World War II Memorial in Sighnagi. 750 thousand people from Georgia participated in World War II, half of them could not return, and 70% of those who did return were disabled. This is a big number for Georgia, which is a small country, and it is still an unforgettable event.

Mtskheta City is very important!

On the way to Gori, you see Mtskheta (sometimes written as Mtskhetra because that is the name of the old capital), the old capital of Georgia. There are two important structures in Mtskheta; the Sveti Sovei Monastery (Svetitskhoveli Cathedral) at the bottom, dating back to the 11th century, and the Jvari Monastery at the top, dating back to the 6th century.

The Jvari Monastery, which is very important for Georgians because it serves as a cross, offers a beautiful view of the city and the river. After visiting the monastery, we went down to the city. We ate wonderful food at Ada Cafe, which is owned and operated by Turkish people in Mtskheta.

The staff said that this was the first Turkish restaurant in the Georgian Lonely Planet book. We also visited the Svetitsthoveli Cathedral, a UNESCO heritage site from the 4th century. The Laz master who made this had his arm cut off so that he could not do it again! It is always the same wild, selfish story!

Stalin and Gori

Next stop is Gori; since Stalin was also Georgian, there is a very comprehensive Stalin Museum in Gori, and you should not miss this place. Stalin's chronological story with Russia and Georgia, many of his belongings, the train he was born in and traveled in are also exhibited here. Whether Stalin is loved or not in Georgia, this is a very sensitive and complicated issue for Georgia.

Here you will see the house where Stalin was born and lived until he was 15. This house is in its original condition and in its original location. It was later covered up when it was turned into a museum. The room on the left belongs to Stalin's family, the room on the right belongs to the owner of the house, and the room below is the room where the shoemaker Stalin's father made shoes. The train on which Stalin went to the Yalta Conference is also located in the garden of the museum.

Ananuri Complex

Our next stop was the Ananuri Castle and Church Complex (Church of the Assuption and Church of Virgin Mary). We can say that this was the castle and residence of the Duke of Aragvi, a feudal dynasty that ruled the region for many years starting from the 13th century. In our opinion, it was one of the most beautiful structures in Georgia. The historical structure located on the banks of the Aragvi River gives you perfect Instagram photos.

Russia-Georgia Friendship Monument

The Russia-Georgia Friendship Monument, which is a cylinder with one side open, is located on the road and in a very high position. There is no friendship at the moment, but it is a monument built in 1983 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Treaty of Georgievsk, which was against the Turks, partly due to Russian pressure.

The left side of the monument is adorned with Georgian motifs and the right side with Russian motifs. The monument, which is placed on columns, has balcony-like spaces between its columns, from here you have a wonderful view of the Caucasus Mountains and the Devil's Valley.

Kazbegi Region

We are now in the Kazbegi Mountains. This is Georgia's trekking and skiing center. Nature lovers from both Georgia and the whole world know and come here. The maximum altitude is 5,054 m on the summit of Kazbeg Mountain, and the maximum height of places visited by vehicle is 2,395 m. We got off our vehicle to go to Gergeti Trinity Church, which is 2,170 meters above sea level, at the foot of Kazbek (Kazbeg, Kazbegi) Mountain, and we went up the last part of the road in 4×4 minibuses, accompanied by nature views.

Actually, there is no need for these vehicles, but such a thing was thought of as a source of income for the people here. Gergeti Trinity Church is undoubtedly one of the most important structures of Georgia with its high location, structure, holiness and view.

There were many people camping along the road to walk to Lomisa Church for the Lomisa Feast with their families. They were preparing to walk for kilometers the next day for this religious ritual. Again, we saw many rafting and trekking companies and people participating in these activities along the way. We really wish we had time and could do both trekking and rafting.

What to Eat in Georgia?
A person traveling from Turkey to Georgia will definitely not have any difficulty in food - except for the use of coriander - because there is a very similar food culture. Khachapuri is a dish between our cheese pide and pizza, but cheese is used much more. We can say that almost everyone who cooks has Khachapuri. Just as every cheese pide is different in our country, Khachapuri is different here.

In other words, you cannot say that the Khachapuri book is closed by trying it once, because you encounter a different Khachapuri everywhere depending on the taste of its bread and cheese. In the evening meals, there is definitely a dish called Pkhali, which we can describe as an appetizer with olive oil. They are very similar to our dishes, but the difference is that they are made one by one.

Hinkali is also Georgian manti, but it is very different from our manti. First of all, it is very big and in the shape of a bundle. Raw meat is put inside and it is closed from the top. Some water remains inside and it is best to start eating by biting from the top and finish the Hinkal without spilling the water inside.

Although it looks easy, making Hinkal requires serious dexterity and experience. Hinkal, which is closed with 19 twists from the top, looks like a moon from the bottom and a sun from the top. They consume Hinkal by sprinkling black pepper on it and drinking Chacha.

Fruity sodas that come to almost every table. Essentially, these have a taste between soda and water. We can say that they are made from any fruit. Our favorite was the pear one.

Special Thanks

Our guide Ana (our Georgian Ana) was always with us with her very friendly attitude. She spoke very good Turkish because she spent a period of her life in our country. She has such a life that if there was a 5-episode Netflix series, it would be on the Most Watched. If she ever ends up in Georgia, we strongly recommend her as a guide, you can also hear her story from her. There is nothing this sweet girl can't do, she added a lot of color to our trip. Sometimes she danced, sometimes she played Turkish songs on the piano, and sometimes she played the Georgian saz.

If you do the trip with Tempo Tur, Ana is their guide, and our trip was organized by Tempo Tur and it was Georgia - Armenia. Our trip guided by Kansav Arslan was very enjoyable and you can safely do this trip with Tempo. Click to review the tour. The people on the announcement page of the trip are also us

I would also like to thank my traveler friend Nur Canoğlu, with whom we did the trip, for allowing me to benefit from her own travel notes.

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ცხელი თბილისის ესკორტი პენი

ცხელი თბილისის ესკორტი პენი ჩემი ფეტიში არის ყურება, როგორ ყიდულობს კაცს ჩემი სხეული, რომ ისიამოვნოს. ეს ძალიან მაღელვებს. გარანტიას გაძლევთ, რომ ჩვენს პაემანზე თავს ძალიან კომფორტულად იგრძნობთ. გამარჯობა ჩემო სიყვარულო, მე მქვია პენი! 21 წლის ვარ და იმედია ყველაფერი კარგად იქნება. ჩემი კანი რბილი და სურნელოვანია. ყველაფერი თქვენი სიამოვნებისთვის. ცხელი ცხელი თბილისის...

ბათუმის ესკორტი მარი წყვილების შეერთება

ბათუმის ესკორტი მარი წყვილების შეერთება გამარჯობა ძვირფასო, მე მქვია მარი. მე ცხელა. მზად ვარ დაგაკმაყოფილოთ. მე ვარ რბილი და სურნელოვანი კანის მფლობელი. მე სულ ბუნებრივი ვარ. მზად ხართ შეხვდეთ ძალიან დელიკატურ ბათუმელ ესკორტს, მე მიყვარს ჩემი მომხმარებლების დაკმაყოფილება თავიდან ბოლომდე. ბიჭებისთვის პატარა დასვენება შესანიშნავი მიზეზია. უმუშევარი ხარ. დაღლილი ხართ ან...

საუკეთესო ჯგუფური სექსი ბათუმის ესკორტი სანდრა

საუკეთესო ჯგუფური სექსი ბათუმის ესკორტი სანდრა გამარჯობა მეგობრებო. მე მქვია სანდრა, ვარ 22 წლის. ჯერ კიდევ ძალიან ახალგაზრდა ვარ. მე მაქვს ახალგაზრდა და ცოცხალი სხეული. მიყვარს ჯგუფური სექსი. მე მიცნობენ როგორც ბათუმის ესკორტი. თუ გინდათ რომ გქონდეთ სასიამოვნო და ხარისხიანი ჯგუფური სექსი, დამირეკეთ. მე შემიძლია მოხვიდე სადაც არ უნდა იყოთ...

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თბილისის ესკორტი სედა

უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტი თბილისის ესკორტი სედა მოგესალმებით ბატონებო, მე ვარ სტუდენტის ესკორტი სედა. როგორც თბილისის უნივერსიტეტის ესკორტი, მოვდივარ სააგენტოში პირისპირ შეხვედრაზე. ვარ 20 წლის სექსუალური გოგონა. შემიძლია პირისპირ მივიდე მამაკაცებთან, რომლებიც ტელეფონს აიღებენ. შეგიძლია ამაღამ ჩემთან ერთად მოშორდე მარტო ძილს, რაზეც წუწუნებ. შეგიძლია ჩემს სახლში მოხვიდე და ისარგებლო ჩემი მხიარული დამოკიდებულებით....

ბათუმის უნივერსიტეტის ესკორტი ელიზა

ბათუმის უნივერსიტეტის ესკორტი ელიზა გამარჯობა ჩემო მეგობრებო, მე ვარ ელიზა, რომელიც კაცს, რომელსაც ხედავს თავისი ინტენსიური სექსით ამთავრებს. მათ, ვისაც ჩემი სექსუალური კანის შეგრძნება სურს, ბათუმის უნივერსიტეტის ესკორტის დანიშვნით დავუკავშირდები. იმ ქუჩებში, სადაც ჩვენი მიმართულებები ერთმანეთს შეხვდება, შემიძლია ვაჩვენო უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტი გოგონას ფერადი სექს აკრობატიკა. მზად ვარ ვითამაშო მთავარი როლი...

თბილისის რუსული ესკორტი გოგონები Monna

თბილისის რუსული ესკორტი გოგონები Monna გამარჯობა ბატონებო, მე ვარ რუსი ესკორტი მონა. თბილისელი რუსი ესკორტის მაღალქუსლიანი ქუსლით რომანტიკულ მომენტებს შევქმნი. შემიძლია ვინმეს, ნაცნობს თუ უცნობს, დავასრულო. ვინაიდან უკიდურესად არეული სექსუალური ცხოვრება მაქვს, ვეძებ ჩემს ამაღელვებელ გრძნობებს სუფთა მამაკაცებთან. მე ვარ ცხელი ქალბატონი და მინდა დავაკმაყოფილო ინტერესი რუსი ქალების მიმართ ფასიანი...

ბათუმი შავი ესკორტი მარია

ბათუმი შავი ესკორტი მარია გამარჯობა ბატონებო, მე ვარ მარია, მისივე სიტყვებით შავი ესკორტი. ბათუმის შავი ესკორტის პროფილით ადაპტირდი თქვენთვის სასურველ სტილში. თუ თქვენ ეძებთ მოსიყვარულე და მონატრებულ სექს პარტნიორს, შეგიძლიათ შემხვდეთ. 21 წლის ასაკში შავკანიანთა მოყვარულებთან ერთად ვატარებ დროს. კლდევით ფიზიკა მაქვს და ყველაფერს, რაც ჩვენს შორის ხდება, საიდუმლოდ დავტოვებ....

ანალური ესკორტი მონიკა

ანალური ესკორტი მონიკა გამარჯობა ბატონებო, მე ვარ მონიკა, რომელიც გაბედულად ცდილობს ლამაზი მოგონებების შექმნას. მინდა დავამტკიცო, რომ უშიშარი სექს-პარტნიორი ვარ სტამბულის ანალური ესკორტის სიყვარულებში ჩაყვინთვის. 21 წლის ვარ, მაგრამ სექსი მაქვს მთელი თვის განმავლობაში, შაბათ-კვირის ჩათვლით. უნდა ითქვას, რომ მხოლოდ წელს მქონია სქესობრივი კავშირი. ჩემი მიზანი არ იყო ფულის შოვნა....